People with dentophobia, have a fear of dentists. Someone with dentophobia may have extreme anxiety at the thought of going to the dentist or while in the dentist’s office.
36% of people fear the dentist and 12% have an extreme phobia dentophobia.
Typically an 8-week Phobias Hypnotherapy programme, all sessions will be supported with a recording for you to listen to in between sessions.
Why consider this approach?
You want to be the master of your feelings.
Dentophobia is an extreme fear that is out of proportion to the situation. If you suffer with dentophobia you will avoid seeing the dentist even when in pain. This condition is so severe that it can lead to very poor dental health. These problems may affect your relationships or job prospects, too.
If traditional therapies haven’t worked
You have tried other calming methods which haven’t worked and are now avoiding the dentist. So much so you are in pain and embarrassed about your teeth.